Thursday, February 18, 2010

Arturo The Plumber - Plumbing & Maintenance Services Commercials

This first clip is the first English  version of Arturo The Plumber - Plumbing & Maintenance Service's commercial which was produced to showcase services he provides and also to show how in video production - visual imagery can be used to support the narration in a commercial environment. Stimulating multiple sensory receptors helps your target market remember you. See if there's anything in this commercial that stands out to you and add a comment about it.

The following video (0:30s) was produced (1/29/2010) and played on Spanish broadcast television in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This  commercial features Spanish translation and a voice-processor (available in Apple's GarageBand 2008 sound-editing software) effect applied after the audio track was recorded. The reason the voice was manipulated was to apply the theory that audiences may be influenced by the sound of a strong and deep fatherly voice more likely than if the commercial were being narrated by my normal, mid-tenor-range voice. The images here are also shown in sequence with the narration.

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